On the day the world ended, the fate of mankind was carried in a small metal box. In a secret location, architects, scientists and engineers met and concluded that there was only one hope for our future: to build an underground city designed to keep its citizens protected for generations to come. The box was entrusted to the first mayor, who was to pass it on to her successor. As the years counted down, the box passed from mayor to mayor. None knew what secrets it held, only that it would open when it was needed most. But fate ran another course, and the chain was broken. The box was tucked away and forgotten, and as the city grew old and began to crumble, the box quietly clicked open.
I flera generationer har invånarna i staden Ember levt i en fantastisk värld av glittrande ljus – under jorden, men Embers en gång så kraftfulla generator håller på att ta slut och de många lamporna som lyser upp staden börjar flimra.
En riktigt bra familjefilm full av härlig Steampunk. Jag älskar som sagt maskiner och udda framtidsvisioner så den var helt klart sevärd. Men lite väl förutsägbar och långsam i sitt tempo.